Home / Classes / Woodworking / WOODWORKING 1: BUILD A BLANKET BOX (Daytime)
(Class limited to 15 students)

(Class limited to 15 students)

Instructor: Sumit Roy, sroy@pausd.org, and Derek Witte, dwitte@pausd.org
Duration: 11 wks
Date range: March 23 to June 15
(No class: May 18 and May 25.)
Date(s) of the week: Wednesday
Hour: 1:30–4:30 p.m.
Quarter: Spring 2022
Prerequisite: None
Textbook: No textbook required
Address: Palo Alto HS Woodshop
Price: $304
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Develop woodworking skills while building a blanket box from rough wood using power tools. The class will focus on safety, project planning and understanding the medium of wood.

There will be a materials fee payable to the instructor to cover the cost of wood and hardware. The materials fee for the fall 2021 class was $115. The actual fee will be based on the price paid for the wood in March and may be different as the pandemic seems to have an impact on wood prices.