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About Us / Our Instructors / Chana Feinstein

Chana Feinstein

Chana has been inventing stories and songs since before she could hold a pencil. She has enjoyed working as a teacher and coach to undergraduates and other adults in a variety of fields for many years, and has a special passion for teaching about writing. Before and since her writer’s block, she won a half-dozen awards and published across genres in non-fiction, poetry, and fiction, with upcoming work in Defenestration, Rise Up Review, and Every Day Fiction.

In her former professional work, and as a Master’s researcher in Psychology and Public Administration (SFSU & USC), she focused on researching how to help people make the changes they want in their lives, mentoring and training at non-profits as a Director and consultant. She attended the Mills Creative Writing Program, and other professional conferences, and continues to develop her skills and increase her toolbox of techniques she can provide her clients and students.

Program: General Interest

Email: gro.dsuappaa@nietsniefc

Professional Background:

– Workshops: Catholic Charities, Jail (Change, Lifeskills & Motivational), and others
– MPA, USC; MA (in progress, all but thesis) Social Psychology (studies and lab research focusing on self-change interventions).
– Taught SFSU undergraduates, jail inmates, and others.
– BA, Phi Beta Kappa, Mills College, Psychology with honors.
– Member, Theatre Bay Area & International Center of Women Playwrights.

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