Registration for Summer 2024 is available now!

English as a Second Language (ESL) / LEARN ENGLISH (ESL)
ESL classes

Learn English (ESL)

The Palo Alto Adult School ESL program offers many classes to help you meet your English learning goals. To enter our FREE classes, new students must register for a placement test. Our next ESL Placement test registration for our Fall 2024 quarter session will be held on Fri., Aug. 2, 2024, and test registration opens at 8 a.m.

We offer a range of English classes from Literacy to Advanced levels at no charge.

Note: There is no childcare for the placement test or the classes.

Year-Round ESL Schedule (Days/Times/Locations)

  • In-Person
    • Mon & Wed / 6:30—9:30 p.m. / Palo Alto High School
    • Mon—Thu / 9:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. / Cubberley Campus
  • Online
    • Tue—Thu / 9—11a.m.

** No Summer Classes ** 

Fall 2024 Term Dates

  • ESL Placement test registration for our fall 2024 quarter session will be held on Fri. Aug. 2, 2024, and test registration opens at 8 a.m.
  • ESL Fall quarter 2024 — Classes begin Mon, Aug 19, 2024. 

Fall 2024 ESL Classes

When your placement test and registration are completed, you may sign up for one of the classes.

Some class sessions are online and meet with teachers via Zoom. Students need to download and learn Zoom at

Register to Take the ESL (English) Placement Test

  • Students must take the in-person ESL Placement Test to join a class.
  • Our next placement test registration will be held on Fri. Aug. 2, 2024, and test registration opens at 8 a.m.
  • When you register, you will choose a test date.
  • Register for testing early – spaces limited.
  • You must register in-person or online (no phone registration).
  • There is no childcare for the test..

Enrollment Policies

  • Students must be able to attend the full session.
  • Students will be required to buy a textbook for the class.
  • There is no childcare.

Need Help?

Visit the ESL News site here.
Or contact the ESL office at (650) 494-236

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