Registration for Summer 2024 is available now!

Health & Fitness / AIKIDO


The Aikido class will return in Fall 2024.  Welcome to Aikido! The Art of Peace—a dynamic martial art based on harmony. Train mind and body in the dynamic art of Aikido with Hombu Dojo’s Shiohira Shihan, 7th Dan, and senior students.

Instructor: Fushan Yuan.

Prerequisite: None


The Japanese martial art of Aikido is a comprehensive system of throwing, joint locking, striking and pinning techniques that foster strength, flexibility, presence of mind, and cooperative movement. We practice to improve awareness and work on conflict de-escalation within and around ourselves. Training Aikido provides an opportunity to find grounding in today’s hectic world. Learn to relax in the face of stress, ground yourself during anxiety, and gain tools to move through the world with confidence.

Student Comments

The Aikido course is a great experience and provides conflict resolution through non-fighting.

Amir Rangnekar
QC Scientist

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