Learn how to reupholster furniture from start to finish using a mix of traditional and modern techniques. This class focuses on the upholstery of traditional chairs and ottomans (no automotive or boat), and does not address wood frame restoration. Limit 23 students.
After registering, please contact the Adult School Office at (650) 329-3752 |
SECTION C: Open Shop Class
This “studio class” is meant for students to work independently on their projects with very minimal to no supervision by a single instructor. Students must currently be enrolled in either Section A or Section B to register for Open Shop.
Prerequisite: None
You will be guided through the entire process of reupholstering your project. While having some sewing/crafting experience can be helpful, it is not a requirement to enroll. Once registered, you will be asked to submit a photo of the project you would like to work on. All projects must be approved by the teachers to ensure we have the proper expertise to assist you. New students must complete a simple project such as an ottoman or dining seat before progressing onto more complicated projects. If you have an old piece of furniture you would like to salvage, come check us out!
Student Comments
Anne Englert
CPA (retired)
Sippie Dykstra
Esthetician (retired)