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About Us / Our Instructors / Darryl Dieckman

Darryl Dieckman

Furniture maker Darryl Dieckman is interested in reinterpreting iconic designs from the past in beautiful woods and adapting their function for everyday use. He is a graduate of the Fine Woodworking program at The Krenov School (2018) and The College of The Redwoods (2017). He is currently a resident of the Cubberley Artist Studio Program at the Cubberley Community Center in Palo Alto. His recent work exhibits an attention to detail and exacting hand work that are hallmarks of the program. Darryl enjoys teaching introductory woodworking classes to new students and sharing his knowledge of the softer skills that students can use in their pursuit of finer woodworking craftsmanship.

Program: Woodworking

Email: moc.liamgpaa@namkceid.lyrrad



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