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About Us / Our Instructors / Environmental Volunteers
Environmental Volunteers

Environmental Volunteers

Environmental Volunteers — The “EV” — is a non-profit organization and national leader in environmental education reaching more than 450,000 kids since 1972. Through our programs we reach thousands of kids and families each year, with the vision that all people will learn about and be inspired by the natural world so that they become responsible stewards of the Earth.

We accomplish our award-winning programs through training and supporting our Volunteers who offer creative, hands on learning learning experiences in classrooms, outdoors in local open space, and now, online. The EV operates primarily in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties surrounding our EcoCenter in the Palo Alto Baylands Preserve. We also operate our Sprout Up chapters at UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, Cal Poly, Columbia University /Barnard College, and New York University. We are always hiring and training more Volunteers, and everyone is welcome to join.


Program: Home & Environment


Email: gro.slovepaa@smargorpytinummoc


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