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About Us / Our Instructors / Katy Jelley
PAAS PreSchool Family

Katy Jelley

Katy Jelley began working with preschool children in the UK at 18 and fell in love with the baby babble, messy play, and cheeky grins, not to mention the story time snuggles. After a break to reaise her own children and move to the USA, Katy has joined the PSF team with new experiences leading a Mothers of preschoolers group and 12 years of parent participation elementary school. It has solidified her belief in learning through play and exploration. She whole-heartedly believes that parents need support and community as they raise their children.

“Laughing and playing alongside children and their families brings me a lot of joy! Finding myself needing to create a village for my family with our transcontinental move, I see it as my role to help other families create connections in a supportive community for the benefit of the entire family.”

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