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About Us / Our Instructors / Leonardo McCord Salazar

Leonardo McCord Salazar

Leonardo McCord Salazar has taught the Spanish language for 38 years. He holds a B.A. in Spanish and French from U.C. Berkeley and an M.A. in Spanish from UCLA. He is a UC Regents’ Scholar, a Peace Corps Volunteer, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Delta Pi (the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society), and Alpha Mu Gamma (the National Collegiate Foreign Language Honor Society).

Since he has studied nine languages at the University of California, he knows both the joys and the difficulties of learning a foreign language. Accordingly, he strives to make learning Spanish a worthwhile adventure for his students. He brings to each class a deep love of learning, a pan-Hispanic perspective, and a nonjudgmental attitude toward his students.

Program: World Languages / Spanish
